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Creating a new showcase for a London based photographer specialising in Sport, Portraiture and Travel

Sam Benard Photography website designSam Benard Photography website design
Sam Benard Photography website design
Sam Benard Photography logo design
Sam Benard Photography website design
Sam Benard Photography website design
Sam Benard Photography website design
Sam Benard Photography Website Design
Sam Benard Photography website design
Sam Benard Photography website design

Project overview

We worked with Sam to overhaul his website, which was previously hosted on Format. His site was completely re-designed and rebuilt using Webflow with focus on flexibility and customisation.

We designed and develop a variety of different layouts that best present the quality and breadth of his work, with a high impact showcase for his key projects, and a simple blog for his more ad-hoc photography work. Alongside this we also refined his existing visual identity, introducing a new monogram, typeface and colour palette.


Web design

Webflow development

Visual identity refinement

Project link